FX Gold Miner is listed through JVZoo and sells for $197 with a 50% affiliate commission.

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Swipe File

I have a set of 7 pre-written emails you can send to your list.  The areas requiring customization (like your name, affiliate link, etc.) are highlighted in different color text.

I strongly suggest you send out all 7 emails over a 3 day period:  #1 and #2 today, #3 and #4 tomorrow, and the remaining emails (#5, #6 and #7) being sent out day after tomorrow, spaced a few hours apart.  I have tested this out against just sending out 1 email a day or even just 1 or 2 random emails over a 3-5 day period and found the 2-2-3 email schedule produces the most sales.

You can click the button below to download the zip file containing the swipe emails.  they are written and saved in .docx format so they should work with any and all word processing programs.

Download Swipe File

The $4K a Week Trade Plan PDF

For this product I've done something extra by creating a trade plan anyone can follow to turn a $500 to $1000 account into an $8,000 account and allow the trader to start pulling out $4k a week.  I will send you a copy of the PDF if you like, but first send me your Affiliate Link and I will include that in the PDF, which you can and should send to your lists.  Mailing this to a number of dead lists actually brought a dozen buyers back to life who had not purchased anything from me in over 4 years.  So it can and will make sales for you if you'll send it to your list as a gift.

Send your affiliate link to me at and I'll get your branded copy back to you a.s.a.p.